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Mittwoch, 17. März 2010

A Award...

Today, I receive a beautiful award from Mo 


and from 



1. To post this award /1. poste den Award auf deinem Blog 
2. To offer the prize to 12 friends / gib ihn an 12 Freunde weiter  
3. Displaying their link /gebe ihre blogs oder websiten an 
4. Give them the news in a comment on their blog/

schreib ihnen das sie einen Award bei dir haben

5. Must write from who is this award / schreib von wem du Deinen Award hast 

I give the Award to....

1.   http://scrapinfaye.blogspot.com/ 

2.   http://www.creative-art-design.com/

3.   www.heartfeltperfection.com/

4.   http://xelaxscrapfree.blogspot.com/

5.   http://photoshop-mumy.blogspot.com/

6.   http://sirenamala.blogspot.com/

7.   http://scrappingbits.blogspot.com/

8. http://wishing-onastarr.blogspot.com/  

9.   http://www.cajoline-scrap.blogspot.com/

10. http://grannyart.blogspot.com/

11.  http://mywarehouseofdreams.blogspot.com/

12.  http://debeedezines.blogspot.com/

Thank you MO  and Didiscraps28

that you thinking to me....


2 Kommentare:

scrapdiscount hat gesagt…

Oh ! Merci beaucoup, ça me fait très plaisir et je suis heureuse aussi de faire connaissance avec votre blog qui est splendide ! Bravo pour votre déco de blog j'adore .... Merci mille fois.
Avec toute mon amitié,

Manelli hat gesagt…

Vielen Dank, für den Award! Freue mich sehr!;-)

Kommentar veröffentlichen

Terms of Use

Terms of Use Redbutterfly78

Janet of Redbutterfly78 Design


Just because you downloaded it doesn´t mean you can share it for free!


These are the may NOT'S
--do not sell/give away the script or claim as your own
--do not use the tubes/selections in other projects
--do not turn it into a greyscale template and then redistribute
--No sharing of files, just because you downloaded it doesn't give you the right to share it.

For the templates
--Do not repackage as greyscale and resell and do not claim as your own

--You may colorize and use in Cu element pkgs, kits,S4H/S4O etc
This applies to scripts and templates

That's it.
Credit not necessary but always appreciated

Redbutterfly78 Design ******** http://redbutterfly78.blogspot.com/



You May.....

-Use my work for personal, commercial or freebie use! The item you are making and selling must be for PU only
-No Credit required but appreciated.

You May NOT......

-repackage and then resell or share the images.


--Personal Use TOU--

>All items are for personal use only. No commercial use is allowed under any circumstances.

>Please do not claim these scraps as your own.

>Please do not alter any of them and claim them as your own.

>You may resize or colourize them to suit your projects, tags etc.

>Please do not change the filenames.

>Please do not upload to any website.

>If you are a tutorial writer and are using any of my scraps in your tutorials,
use always my download link at 4shared or link to my shops.

>Please give credit and link back to my site:


>Let me know if you are using my scraps in your tutorials by emailing me at: janet_schuldt@yahoo.de

or any other questions you can contact me by email too.

Thank you for download my stuff.


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